Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Foreseen Kidnapping

“Mom I have a fever,” Amanda complained.
“No you don’t I have taken your temperature over 5 times and it is normal,” her mom stated, “ and even if you did have a temperature you would not be staying home because you have already missed a lot of school.”

Amanda’s mom won the argument and Amanda was off to school. On her way to school Amanda met up with her best friend Karen.

They started talking and Karen asked Amanda, “did you study for the science test.”
“We had a science test,” asked Amanda
“Ya,” Karen said, “I studied forever.
“I totally forgot,” shrieked Amanda.

When they got to school Amanda tried to study for the test but it was first period so she didn’t have time. The teacher handed out the test and went over it with the students.

“You may begin,” she said.

Amanda looked over the test this makes no sense she thought. At that exact moment Amanda started to hear voices. She started to freak out.

Amanda then turned around and whispered to Karen, “I hear voices.”
“No one is talking,” Karen whispered back.
“What do you think it is,” asked Amanda.
“Do you think you can read minds,” answered Karen.
“Let’s test it,” said Amanda.
“I’m thinking of the answer for number three,” Karen said, “Now tell me what it is.”

Amanda thought really hard for a minute and then she told Karen the answer. Karen and Amanda were absolutely amazed. They started talking about what they could do with this power.

The teacher interrupted them, “Everyone only has ten minutes to complete the test.”

Karen and Amanda got to work very fast. Amanda found the power very useful and copied off the smartest kid in class. At the end of the class they handed in there completed test. The next class they had was math and Karen and Amanda had no time to talk about the power because Karen had a doctor’s appointment to go to. For the rest of the day Amanda listened to what people were thinking. After school Amanda went out the front doors and started to walk home when she saw a shiny nice new car. She stopped to stare and then she read the person’s mind inside of the car.

“Where could she be,” the unknown person in the car thought. Then the person in the car had another thought, “Where could my Amanda be.”

Then Amanda remembered her mom was going to buy a new car.

“Mom,” she screamed as she ran to the car.
Her mom rolled down the window, “hop in,” she said.
When Amanda got in she asked mom, “Where did you get the new car from.”
“Chrysler,” her mom answered.

Amanda asked a few more questions and then they drove in silence.

Then Amanda remembered the first question she was going to ask, “Why did you pick me up I normally walk home,” she asked.
“Well I have to go to the city to drop off a check,” her mom said.

When they got to the building Amanda looked at it forever. They walked up the sidewalk and opened the creaky door. They walked down a long hallway then up the cold cement stairs. They opened another door at the top with the name Shawn Keyle on it. They walked in and there sat a creepy man. They sat across from him and stared into his dark eyes.

“Hello Shayla,” he greeted Amanda’s mom, “I assume you came to give me the check.”
“I did but I forgot it in the car,” Amanda’s mom said, “ can Amanda stay here while I go grab it.”
“Of course,” Shawn answered in a husky voice.

Amanda’s mom ran out the door. Shawn and Amanda sat in silence looking at each other.

Amanda started to read his thoughts, “ I wonder what is taking Shayla so long,” thought Shawn.

As soon as he finished that thought Amanda’s mom walked in.

“Sorry had troubles finding it,” she said through breathes.
“She obviously ran up the stairs,” Amanda thought.

While Amanda’s mom handed him the check Amanda read Shawn’s thoughts again.

“Goody,” he thought, “last appointment of the day now I can go and find that Karen Osborne girl who keeps on destroying my building with vandalism.”

“My best friend Karen,” thought Amanda, “what will I do, I need more information.”
“Let’s go Amanda,” said her mom who was already waiting at the door for her.

Amanda had a good thought, “When I get to the car I will tell my mom I lost my keychain in the room and ask her if I can go look for it. She will hopefully say yes so I will go back up and finish listening to his thoughts and hopefully get more information and then say I can’t find it and leave.”

Amanda had gotten to the car by the time she thought that through.

“Mom,” she screamed, “I lost my key chain in the room can I go look for it.”
“Sure be quick,” her mom said

Amanda ran up the stairs and opened the door very quietly. Lucky for her Shawn was in the back room she went up to it and quietly put her ear to the door.

“We need to catch this Karen girl,” a voice from the other side said she thought it was Shawn the voice was husky. “Did you follow her and find out where she will be at 6:00 tonight,” said Shawn again.
“Yes,” said a girls voice, “she will be at the park waiting for a friend,” she finished.
“Well I will be there to,” Shawn chuckled.

Amanda had heard enough and she dashed out the door.

“Did you find it,” her mom asked.
“No,” Amanda exclaimed in a rush looking at the time it was only 4:30.
“Why are you in such a rush,” her mom asked.
“I’m going to hang out with Karen at the park and I have to be there by 6:00,” Amanda said.

On the way home Amanda thought about how she wouldn’t be hanging out with Karen, instead she would be looking out for her. When Amanda got home it was already 5:30 and she changed out of her school clothes and left without eating supper. When she got to the park she saw Karen waiting there for her other friend Crystal. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a black shadow, Shawn she thought.

Amanda ran full speed right for Shawn, “You won’t hurt my friend,” she screamed.

She jumped on Shawn but he got up and scrambled away. Amanda didn’t give up and kept chasing him. While she was running down the street after him she pulled out her cell phone and phoned the police.

“Hello,” the operator answered.
“If you want to call the police, press number 1,” the operator said.

Amanda did not let her finish and pressed 1.

“Hello,” a police officer answered.

“Hi,” Amanda said, “I am on Oakland Street chasing a guy who wants to kidnap my best friend.”

She gave him the rest of the details and told him that they need to hurry.

“We will get there as fast as we can,” said the police officer.

Amanda realized the police were just two blocks away and right after that thought she heard sirens. Amanda booked it into full speed and finally she was close enough to get Shawn. She tripped him and pinned him to the ground. At that exact moment the police turned the corner, got out and handcuffed him.

“Thank you,” they said, “How did you catch him?”
“I have my ways,” she said with a big smile.

The police drove Amanda home. When she got home her mom told Amanda how worried she had been.

“What happened,” she shrieked.

Amanda told her the whole story without including the mind reader detail.

“I am so proud of you Amanda,” her mother said with tears running down her face.
“Can I please go to sleep now,” Amanda asked, “I had a long day.”
“Of course you can,” her mom beamed.

The next morning when Amanda woke up she went to look at the newspaper. She was on the front page with the title above her picture, Hero of the Week.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day and Night Disturbances- Story #1

“Do we have to,” Erin complained to Amy.
“Come on Erin me Ashley and Andrew all want to.
“When will we be moving into the house,” Erin asked.
“Next week,” Erin replied.
“I will come check it out but no guarantees that I will like it,” said Erin.
“Fine,” Amy mumbled.
When Erin woke up the next day it was cold and wet outside.
“I can’t wait to go to the house,” she said sarcastically.
At about two’ o clock Amy came to pick up Erin.
“Are you ready,” she asked.
‘Yes I can’t wait,” she mumbled.
When they got to the car Andrew and Ashley were there.
“Are you excited,” Ashley asked.
“Extremely,” Erin replied sarcastically again.
When they got to the car the first thing Erin looked at was the garden.
“I love it,” she exclaimed to everyone.
The next thing she looked at was her room.
“Is this really my room,” she asked.
“If you want it to be,” said Andrew.
“Of course, it is huge look at the closet.” said Erin.
When they finished looking at the house they finally went back to the car.
“What do you think of the house,” asked Amy.
“I love it,” said Erin, everyone agreed.
That night past really fast and before Erin knew it, it was morning. At about ten’ o clock Ashley phoned.
“We are starting to move our stuff in today.”
“Okay,” said Erin.
The rest of the week past with them moving stuff into the house and cleaning it up. When Monday finally rolled around they were ready to move into the house. They all drove their own car to the house but on their way there Erin started to fell sick. When she got to the house she told her friends she wasn’t feeling good.
“But what about going bowling tonight,” asked Andrew?
“We can go another night,” Amy suggested.
“No you guys go, I’ll stay home,” said Erin.
“Are you sure,” asked Amy.
“Positive,” said Erin.
At about six’ o clock Andrew Amy and Ashley left to go bowling and Erin dozed off. She woke up a bit later and was wondering what time it was when she heard a loud thumping noise upstairs. Their home already she thought.
“Amy, Ashley, Andrew,” she called.
No one answered. She decided to go upstairs and see if they had come home. Before she could go upstairs her friends walked in the door.
“Hi Erin,” They called.
“Hey you guys how was bowling,” she asked.
“It was okay,” said Amy, “what did you do while we were gone,”
“I fell asleep,” said Erin, “but when I woke up I heard a loud thumping sound upstairs. “I was going to go and check it out but you guys walked in.
“So you don’t know what it was,” asked Andrew.
“No idea,” said Erin, “probably just the house it is pretty old,”
That night finished with them watching a movie and they finally went to bed at one’ o clock. They were all tired and fell asleep really fast except for Amy who kept on wondering what that noise was that Erin heard. Her thoughts were interrupted by somebody standing at her door.
“Amy what are you doing,” asked Ashley.
“Just thinking,” Amy replied.
“Well I need to tell you something,” said Ashley.
“What is it Ashley,” Amy asked.
“Well,’ Ashley began, “I woke up and went to the bathroom and when I went back to my room my TV was on.
“Did you turn it on,” asked Amy.
“No I didn’t and I think it was a ghost,” Ashley whispered.
“We don’t have a ghost,” said Amy.
“I guess that was dumb of me to think that I guess I will go back to bed,” said Ashley.
When Ashley left Amy kept thinking of ghosts, we don’t have ghost she kept on repeating in her head. She couldn’t get the image out of her head so she took some bromide to get to sleep. The rest of the night went peacefully and so did the day up till the evening. At about eight’ o clock when they got back from getting groceries and putting them away they wanted to watch TV.
“Where id the remote,” asked Erin.
“It was on the couch,” Andrew answered.
“Well it is not anymore,” Amy said,” “let’s look for it.
“I will go upstairs,” Erin offered.
While everyone went downstairs, Erin went upstairs. She found it on her bed.
“Found it,” she called.
She picked up the remote and all the lights started flickering on and off. Erin ran downstairs.
“What is happening,” she asked.
“I don’t know,” screamed Ashley.
Just as she said that a cup that was sitting on the table flew at her head and missed it by inches.
“We have to get out of here,” Amy screamed at the top of her lungs.
As they ran out the door they heard something smash the window in the living room. They all ran to Ashley’s car.
“Phone Megan and ask if we can stay at her house for the night,” screamed Erin.
Andrew phoned her and told her what happened she said they could stay the night at her house. When they got to Megan’s house they looked it up on the internet. The internet told them it was a poltergeist.
“There is a possibility it could be,” said Amy. “Erin heard thumping upstairs and Ashley’s TV turned on by itself.
“But what do we do,” Andrew asked.
“You guys could get one of those people that get rid of ghosts,” Megan piped up.
“Good idea,” said Erin.
That night they phoned the priest and made an appointment. That night also finished with no more disturbances and everyone went to bed. The next day at twelve’ o clock they met the priest at their house. They sat around the kitchen table and the priest held a cross and began.
“Let the entreating ghost go and set him free, also let him not be disturbed again. Take his soul away and not bring it back.”
Then the priest sprayed holy water around the room. The ghost spirit was hopefully set free and there will not be anymore disturbances.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


I can't wait to start writing stories.